Hello! I hope that you have been able to get a sense of me and what I offer from my website.
I know it can be challenging to take the first step in asking for help. I invite you to contact me if you would like to ask any questions, and I look forward to speaking with you to see if my services would be helpful for you.
To schedule a complimentary 20 minute counselling consultation by phone, or for more information about my counselling practice,
please email .
Initially, I will reply to your inquiry with an estimate of the wait time for new clients (if there is one), and also some more information about how I work, to see if it resonates with you. If you decide to go ahead with a free 15-20 minute phone consultation from there, we will find a mutually workable time and I will call you then.
Here is what to expect ruring the 20 minute consultation call,
- I'll want to hear a brief summary about you and the current situation or circumstances that prompted you to call
- We'll talk about the most effective counselling work we could do together
- I'll answer whatever questions you have about me or about the counselling process in general
If we decide that I am the best person to help you at this time, and you would like to move forward, we’ll make an initial counselling appointment at a mutually agreeable time.
And, if I don't seem to be the right counsellor for you or your situation, I will be happy to help you find someone who might be.
You will find information about my fees here.
To your wellbeing,
Tamara Mortimer
p.s. Many people find the presence of an animal comforting. For those of you who are dog and/or animal lovers, Tiko, my Mini Australian shepherd, can be available to sit in on counselling appointments (when in-person sessions are available.) If you are interested, please let me know and we can integrate his presence into our sessions.